I would re activate my overpriced cable again just to see this on adult swim or something.
I would re activate my overpriced cable again just to see this on adult swim or something.
Funny and pretty accurate! Animation was a bit flat though.
Cream cheese saaandwiches
Could've used some backgrounds and more scenery.
Really smooth animation, great voice acting, sound quality and very nice music to go along with it. Five stars.
This was more disturbing than a Nicki Minaj video. Great animation though, so you get 4.5 stars
Great job, fellow par-tissy-pants.
I will do better next year.
is it november yet
Ahhh, simply moving!
A beautiful move filled with actin, romance, comedy, suspense and drama all in one!
The storyline was brilliant and most of all, well thought out.
True genius.
I can now die happy, knowing there is true talent out there.
infinity / negative infinity
Good but reeeeaaaaally boring music. And some of the hair is always idle.
Age 24, Male
Asheville, NC
Joined on 8/6/13